
A Births
B Burials
Bigland R Bigland Historical, Monumental & Genealogical Collection relative to the County of Gloucester
BRL Birmingham Reference Library
BL British Library
BMSGH Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy & Heraldry
BMSGH m/fiche Published on microfiche: for sale & accessible at specific repositories
B.Ts Bishops’ Transcripts
BWMIs Bloom's Worcestershire Monumental Inscriptions
C Christenings (for Baptist records it refers to adult baptisms.)
D Deaths
DALHS Dudley Archives & Local History Service
DL Dudley Library
G General i.e. baptisms, marriages & burials
GL Gloucester Library
Glos.PR(x) W P W Phillimore Gloucestershire parish registers
GLS Gloucestershire
GLS RO Gloucestershire Record Office
HEF Herefordshire
I Index
IGHS Institute of Genealogical & Heraldic Studies
IGI International Genealogical Index
KL Kidderminster Library
M Marriages
MF microfiche / microfilm / microform
MIs Monumental Inscriptions
ML Marriage Licence
MS / Ms Manuscript
O Originals
OXF Oxfordshire
O.S. Ordnance Survey
Ph.M Worcestershire parish registers – Marriages ed.Phillimore & Carter
PHIL Phillimore’s Printed Marriages (number refers to volume number in the County Series)
PLU Poor Law Union
PRO Public Record Office
PRs Parish Records
qv for which see separate entry
RL Redditch Library
RMI Roe Marriage Index
RO Record Office
ROL Record Office Library
SAL Shropshire / Salop
SBTRO Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Record Office
SHL Shrewsbury Library
SL Stourport Library
SML Smethwick Library
SoG Society of Genealogists
STR Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office
STS Staffordshire
Ts Typescript / transcript
VCH Victoria County History
WAR Warwickshire
WMIs Worcestershire Monumental Inscriptions
WOR Worcestershire
Z Births

Last Updated: 12/07/2012