

Civil Parish [25]
Created in 1953 by the union of Church Honeybourne Ancient Parish and Cow Honeybourne Civil Parish. Cow Honeybourne, which was in Gloucestershire and, prior to 1974 Church Honeybourne had always been in Worcestershire. (In between 1974 and 1998 the counties of Worcestershire and Herefordshire were merged.)
The combined parish is now in Worcestershire. [25]

War Memorials

For a war memorial see Church Honeybourne

Schools Records

The following school records are original documents. Note reference number and contact staff at Worcestershire Archives:
Infants' Dept. Log books - 1880 - 1919 - Ref: BA 1689 / 4 - 5

The records of schools and other educational establishments in this parish are detailed in a handlist available at Worcestershire Archives. The list refers to original documents so you will need to note the reference number and contact staff.

Last Updated: 23/10/2016